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Frequently Asked Questions

Do You Need Contract Gasketing?

Like the automated dispensing market, contract gasketing is a niche market and is not appropriate for every application. Not everyone needs highly precise, uniform and repeatable beads. ContractGasketing.com suggests several criteria that should be considered before making the make/buy decision.

Does equipment make more financial sense?

Sometimes. If you have the production volume, space, personnel, lead-time, and quality constraints—then equipment may be just the way to go. Contract gasketing provides high value-added and offers a reliable alternative when equipment is not the best choice.

Do you have the personnel and capacity to maintain and fit equipment?

Robotics Inc. automated dispensing systems are typically easy to operate but you still need someone who can at least perform rudimentary maintenance. Along with competent operators, they are using their own designed and built equipment. Plant floor space may be at a premium and you may have other requirements for that space.

How fast do you need finished parts?

This is often the only question that matters. When the rush is on, getting finished parts is becomes the bottleneck. Equipment delivery times are measured in weeks and months in the automation industry (not exactly what comes to mind when one hears the term ‘rush’). Fast turnarounds are possible with contract gasketing.

What quality and repeatability are required?

Some applications require highly precise beads with little or no room for inferior gaskets. Robotics Inc. contract gasketing can dispense beads several magnitudes in quality higher than possible by manual methods.

How difficult or hazardous is the material to handle manually? What other OSHA topics come into play for your employees?

Pick a company with the right equipment and expertise. Robotics Inc. has the equipment and knowledge to eliminate these factors for you. Contract gasketing services eliminate messy applications and expensive waste. Gone are the headaches associated with hazardous material handling and repetitive injury situations.

How many parts, how often, and what production rate is needed?

Contract gasketing will work for all types of volumes from prototypes and trial runs to high volume production. If production-quality parts are required, then contract gasketing is a viable solution.


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Last modified: February 14, 2008